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Dinghy storage or non use

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As we enter winter the dinghy make not get as much use as it did this summer. What tends to happen is the last time it was used we think we will be back to use it again but weeks then months go by and we didn't properly store the dinghy. What happens next is dead battery, fuel contamination in the fuel tank and in the motor, tubes have lost air and the battery switch was never turned off. So to help avoid this from happening I suggest you put on your calendar the last day that you will be using your tender this could be after Christmas holiday etc. Plan to wash the boat, put battery on trickle charger or remove battery from boat, turn off battery switch, if you have a carburated motor run it out of fuel by removing the fuel supply. Make sure the drain plug is removed to allow for drainage if you are storing out of the water.Add some fuel additive to the tank, just a little...fill tubes with air, put on the boat cover and secure so it will not blow off when you are not around. This will help to guarantee that the dinghy is ready when you want to use it in the Spring!